Sunday 15 November 2009

Next Part

There has been some delay so

Reflections in Psychology - Part II
will be available by April 2010-May 2010

You have to return to this blog to be notified when it is released

Reflections in Psychology - the Book

Reflections in Psychology - Part I (author: Saberi Roy)is a compilation of 30 essays in psychology and serves as a handbook for educated readers and students and teachers of psychology. It could be a reference book of Psychology although it contains new insights, theories and ideas that are speculative and may have to be tested and studied. The book serves as a direction for further psychological research and the ideas will be subject to further examination.

This blog is intended to increase the visibility of the book - Reflections in Psychology.All news about the book, your comments and information regarding other parts of the book will be available here.This will include your views on what you want to be written about, your suggestions and more. The first part of the book is available. the second part will be available in another 2 months by February or March 2010.

There are three ways you can read the book

If you don't like buying books and love free stuff - the essays are available for free. You can read them here

Reflections in Psychology - Part I - 30 essays

If you simply like downloading and reading stuff on the computer, you can download it here

Reflections in Psychology - Part I

If you absolutely love buying books and like the traditional paper books, you can buy it here.

Reflections in Psychology - Part I

If you are all hi-tech and would rather read books on the Kindle or in any other e-book format, please wait for a month. I'm arranging for the book to be available on Amazon Kindle.